
Showing posts from February 3, 2025

#7 Thursday Morning, nothing ever happens in this town

Thursday Morning  At around 5 am, Destiny had enough of being cold and cramped up in the back seat of David Lee's car. She gathered up her soft sided bag, and her purse, made double sure that all of her personal stuff was accounted for. Destiny reached over to ever so quietly pull the inside door handle. There were a few early morning birds chirping to each other in the trees. Most of the mechanical click of the door was muffled. Destiny stepped out into the cold morning air, making sure not to make too much noise on the gravel. For the second and last time, she closed the car door with two hands, slowly, holding her thumb on the release button. Destiny pushed the door a bit with her hips to get the door tightly latched without making any extra sounds. She scanned the bootlegger's house for any signs of movement, any hint that someone might be watching. All clear. Destiny stepped on to the grass at the edge of the gravel driveway and started down the driveway and on to the road...