Drill Bits and Dynamite...Part Eighteen and a Half...More South Interchange
From the Sea to Sky highway improvement project. The quest to upgrade the old Squamish highway in time for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Whistler. I recently found new images on photo discs that I had squirreled away...haven't been seen in 4-5 years. The first installment on the South Interchange is here ... http://adventuresinmikeslife.blogspot.ca/2012/02/drill-bits-and-dynamitepart-eighteenthe.html Installing formwork at the very complex interchange The active lanes were changed many times as the construction progressed. When work was done in one section, the lanes were pushed over to open up new ground. This done because the traffic had to keep flowing unimpeded while the multi-year job was under way Bowen Island in the background Top right is the road down to the Horseshoe Bat ferry terminal. Eagleridge overpass and the dirt road up into Cut 4 and the rest of the overland route ( the only brand new section of the S2S project ) ...