Jackson Brothers Logging...From the Sechelt online Archives and Peter Jackson Collection

Burns and Jackson Logging, hauling a 180 ft spar tree with a 29 inch top....in the 50's My dad worked for Jackson Bros logging on and off, as a faller for many years. When we lived on Davis Bay Road, that was Jackson's logging road. All the kids knew to stay away from the small hill just outside our house when a loaded logging truck could be heard rumbling towards us. One fine day, when an empty truck went zooming up the hill, it hit a pothole and the trailer jumped off the back of the truck. The loose trailer rolled through the ditch and right through our fence, just feet away from where I was playing on the lawn. Link to other logging related posts are here... http://adventuresinmikeslife.blogspot.ca/2012/07/lost-treasure-trove-of-abandoned.html http://adventuresinmikeslife.blogspot.ca/2012/02/loggingre-posted.html When we moved to a new Davis Bay house, the majority owner of Jackson Bros, Mike Jackson lived a few doors down on Whitaker road. One of my first pa...