
Showing posts from February 4, 2025

Beetlebottom #8

Knock knock, who's there...and ..Who isn't? At the bootlegger's house, it was a slow start to the day. David Lee Royce stirred first. There was one fairly filthy bathroom in the old house. David Lee stood over the stained toilet and was deeply disgusted. This was way worse than a prison crapper or even an army latrine. Those places had people assigned to clean bathrooms, this old shack…didn't. Destiny wasn't anywhere to be seen inside the house. David Lee checked all the rooms, and she definitely wasn't on that flea infested couch. David went to look outside to see what he could see out there. The old dog was glad to be let out, he was late for doing his morning business and in a bit of a panic. David Lee thought that maybe, just maybe, Destiny was outside, having a smoke. But , no, apparently not. She wasn't sitting on the porch bench, and she wasn't out in the yard. David Lee then recalled through the haze of a slight hangover and inadequate sleep, the...