
This year, two of my friends have lost sons in forest industry accidents. Two terrible accidents at two excellent companies. Two young men's lives lost at work. My dad was a logger and loggers were always at the house or out in the yard. Logging stories and lore filled the air to mix with cigarette smoke and chain saw exhaust. Dirty trucks full of tools, oil and choker cables were the norm. Tables full of booze, full ashtrays and playing cards were standard issue in every house we visited. My dad, Ken Pearson after a days work as a tree faller The entire Jackson Bros falling crew on the back of the photo signed " Dis was loggin' Da boys of 86" Might as well say"Butch Cassidy and the Hole in the Wall Gang" Jorn Skytte, Paul Tingley , Ken Pearson , Tom Hemstalk , Owen Edmonds , Doug Wooten , Neil Mulligan, and Boney Wellburn Loggers at the gate, Bob Edwardson, my dad and bull- bucker Art Wayment Tom Hemstalk and Bo...