Kiewit Built Defective MSE Retaining Walls on the Sea to Sky Highway

de·fec·tive dəˈfektiv/ adjective 1 . imperfect or faulty. "complaints over defective goods" synonyms: faulty , flawed , imperfect , shoddy , inoperative , malfunctioning, out of order, unsound ; More in disrepair, broken ; informal on the blink, on the fritz "a defective seat belt" antonyms: perfect lacking or deficient. synonyms: lacking , wanting , deficient , inadequate , insufficient "these methods are defective" This going to be a photo and comment post about the Kiewit built MSE ( M echcanically S tabilized E arth ) walls on the 2010 Sea to Sky highway project. Just to keep things simple and move along quickly. I became curious about the Sea to Sky MSE walls in 2013, after reading about the problems on the CalTrans 405 Freeway project. Kiewit built MSE retaining walls along side the freeway that started to show signs of distress immediately after being built....