Pick-up Trucks in a Junk Yard
Downtown Vernon BC, during a recent road trip. The weather was wet instead of hot and dry this time around during our stay in the Vernon area. This bone yard is just off the main highway through town. I have an odd fascination with International pick-up trucks. As a West Coast guy, they were a very rare sight in the logging business, in years gone by. The only ones we ever saw around were driven mostly by retired farmers who moved out towards the Pacific. Internationals were viewed as the ugly duckling of pick-ups...and under-powered to boot. A logger that drove an International just couldn't be taken seriously. In the 70's, my dad would jokingly say "You never see a Kenworth plowing a field, you shouldn't have to see an International on the road." So my thoughts are...after all those years of jokes and disdain...maybe International trucks could be the sought after hot-rod/restoration vehicle of the future. Rare, seldom seen...plentiful out in the fa...