Instructions for Safe Urination in Extreme Cold
Guidelines for Safe Urination in Extreme Cold During Work Hours ( Male/Outdoors ) 1. Ensure that you have some feeling in your hands and fingers. This will ensure safe manipulation of the zipper and penile member. 2. Check the immediate area to assess the proper and safe location to commence release 3. When it is safe to do so, manually or visually check that penile member is actually protruding from all layers of clothing before commencing to urinate ( pee ) 4. Failure to achieve maximum protrusion of the penile member beyond all layers of clothing will result in frozen crust on outerwear and possible staining. Unpleasant odour can occur upon thawing. This can cause social isolation in warmer environments ( bars, saloons, pubs etc ) 5. Warning! Do not ask a co-worker for visual confirmation that your penile member has achieved sufficient protrusion. Common risks are.. a. Assault b. Embarrassment c. Pointing and laughing for no good reason d. Criminal charges e. a date 6....