The Ken Carter Daredevil Show At Mission Raceway

I went to see the last race at the old Mission Raceway before it was torn down and rebuilt. I took my dad to the races that day ... The Ken Carter Jet Car Jump show came last....the deal was supposed to be Ken Darter himself doing a test jump in the jet powered Lincoln car. This all sounded very exciting and phenomenally foolish. (no one on the planet had ever jumped a howling jet car over a pile of derelict cars before) It took ages to set up....the rocket car was displayed for all to see and we noticed that as things wasn't getting unloaded as the jump time grew near. Some technical difficulties were announced...stand-by for further updates. Lots of pacing and arm gesturing out on the track...a little bit of dirt kicking for extra good measure ( always the sign of a serious situation) It was announced that it was too risky to jump the jet Lincoln in the event that it sustained damage in this attempt. Excellent idea I thought... becau...