The Mechanics Special....Dedicated Photos From the Sea to Sky Job

Photos specially selected for the Mechanics Hub group, S2S mechanics....and other gearheads and lever pullers. Covers Segment 3 to Seg 1....years 2006 to 2008 Cut 10 Segment 1...looking North Segment 1... Servicing the rock crusher Segment 1, Cut 4 area Close up..... Segment 1, Cut 4 Cut 10/11 Segment 1 Cut 10... BC Ferry coming into Horseshoe Bay Terminal, Bowen Island in the background Early days of Cut 5, Seg 1 North end of Cut 10, Seg 1 Seg 1 shop at Westport Pit, West Vancouver Seg 1 shop Segment one shop and offices Concrete batch plant....Seg 2? I know what you're did he drive off the road here???? Doodson's Corner North end of Doodson's Corner South end of Doodson's Corner Brunswick pit, Seg 2 offices Stretch of new road in the Seg 2/3 area Brunswick Pit offices Brunswick Pit Darrell Bay/Shannon Falls Shannon Falls shop Shannon Falls shop Seg 1, ...