The Mechanics Special....Dedicated Photos From the Sea to Sky Job

Photos specially selected for the Mechanics Hub group, S2S mechanics....and other gearheads and lever pullers.
Covers Segment 3 to Seg 1....years 2006 to 2008

Cut 10  Segment 1...looking North

Segment 1... Servicing the rock crusher

Segment 1, Cut 4 area

Close up..... Segment 1, Cut 4

Cut 10/11 Segment 1

Cut 10...  BC Ferry coming into Horseshoe Bay Terminal, Bowen Island in the background

Early days of Cut 5, Seg 1

North end of Cut 10, Seg 1

Seg 1 shop at Westport Pit, West Vancouver

Seg 1 shop

Segment one shop and offices

Concrete batch plant....Seg 2?

I know what you're did he drive off the road here????

Doodson's Corner

North end of Doodson's Corner

South end of Doodson's Corner

Brunswick pit, Seg 2 offices

Stretch of new road in the Seg 2/3 area

Brunswick Pit offices

Brunswick Pit

Darrell Bay/Shannon Falls

Shannon Falls shop

Shannon Falls shop

Seg 1, West Vancouver. Westport Pit offices and shop in upper left corner

Segment 1. Eagleridge, Cut 4/5....Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal.....way off in the distance is Doodson's Corner

Cut 4, Seg 1

Somewhere around the Seg 2/3 area
Seg 3 offices, Squamish

South end of Squamish

Seg 1 shop

Seg 1...Nelson Creek bridge to South Interchange and Cut 4

Rayonier Pit gravel plant

Cut 4, Seg 1

South Interchange.....Eagleridge and Cut 4

Segment 1 fill site between Cut 7 and 8

First TamrockRanger 800 from Traxxon

Assembly of the 1250 Komatsu in Eagleridge parking lot

1250 Komatsu

Early days of Cut 4 in Segment 1

Eagleridge parking lot...1250 and a 769 haul truck

769's and 25/30 ton articulating trucks

Working at night on Cut 14 above the highway

Eagleridge parking lot....winter morning start up

Mating season between drill and hoe

Nobody saw anything, heard anything or felt was just fine when I parked it

769 brought in from Seg 2 or 3...back to Eagleridge

A little bit of over-size on the highway at Darrell Bay

Doodson's ...I think

Shannon Falls shop
Shannon Falls shop

Eagleridge and Cut 4...West Vancouver


  1. good fitters are worth their weight in gold.The vast majority of heavy plant fitters are guys who know the job inside out.They are the link between a smooth operation and a poor one in my opinion.

  2. I always tried to make it a point to be on good terms with the mechanics, so that when something broke down...and I called...the wrench-pullers would be happy to help.

    Everyone was under tremendous pressure to perform, it just takes an extra second to be polite and grateful for the help.


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