Time Travels....Logging in Days Gone By

I was poking around....here and there, and I found a few photos that you night enjoy.

Plus..at the end, a great video that documents the history of logging in the Squamish area. It features a ton of film/video of seldom seen operating old time logging equipment
True story...this is the hospital that I was born in....Garden Bay BC...back in 19something something. 
The hospital was built to treat loggers who got hurt in the surrounding mountains and inlets. It was too far, and too much of a wait to go to Vancouver...too many men suffered and died, before they could get treatment. Opened in 1930.

1st Pacific truck...built in Vancouver, and getting shipped to Newfoundland

P-16 with a spar

One of Doug Sladey's trucks

Lake Cowichan log train

Harrison Lake steam yarders

Campbell River steam donkey

Vancouver Island 1987

Truck mounted log boom ...Quesnel 1950

2 man chain saw

Nice tires...looks like this might have been a 2 trailer set-up

Logging with Cat and arch...Dent River 1938

Hard tire log truck on a timber road

Logging and showing off 1907 style

Video of logging history of the Squamish area from horses to helicopters...


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