
Part Two..Lost Treasure Trove of Abandoned Logging Machines

As amazing as this little grotto is, I gotta tell's only about 1/5th of what is on the entire property. Built to be a hard charging, rip roaring log mover That was one determined tree...just had to go ...up You could put a lot of cubes in that box...might run out of brakes if you filled it with rock Someone was needing to break every window they could find. Probably not breast fed as a child I wonder when the last time was that someone un-did the rad cap to check the coolant before going to work. Chapman DrillMobile with the canopy twisted up Heavy duty mirror supports... "2607" meant something to someone back when this tough old truck was working This is not the angle you want to see when the truck is loaded, and doing 40mph...and you are sitting in your pick-up M-4 rock drill with the boom and mast folded away...Traxxon tank drill behind it Likely a water tank...maybe fuel Standing on the cab guard.... loo...

Photos of Abandoned Log Yarders

Only the dead and down Just the rusty and crusty Simply the broken and tired Limited to the lame and limping Here's a great video that I recent ly found....The history of logging in the Squamish area. Exc ellent footage of steam donkeys, logging trains and such..   Over grown truck mounted yarder Bone yard of the great ones Yarder in the background will show up in other photos Up close and personal Top of the pipe of an over grown truck mounted yarder in the background...Kenworth logging truck in the foreground Jackson Bros Logging Truck mounted yarder set-up in the 70's. The photo is from the Peter Jackson collection and the Sechelt online archives...this is from the days when my dad was a faller for them.