
Beetlebottom #5 You Just Never Really Know

Wednesday Night in Beetlebottom  Sheriff Fussfutter pulled into the driveway of the doctor's home, at the edge of town. Abe was laying in the backseat of the police car under a wool blanket. Abe hadn't said much for most of the ride. At one point, after mumbling a few things, and a bit of pain induced moaning, he managed to croak out a groggy, “ Am I ok, Hoods?” Both the doctor and his wife came out to the car to have a look at Abe. Doc crawled into the backseat with Abe and gently probed around the wound at the back of Abe's head. Doc asked for…and his wife brought out towels, warm soap and water, plus a few bandage dressings. Doc quietly asked Abe a few questions, checked over his eyes and asked about any other injuries. Abe kept his head down on the backseat, but quietly appreciated the kind words and touch of Doc and his wife. After a few minutes of examination, Doc told Hoodsdigger that Abe need to go to a hospital in the next bigger town about an hour away, without de...