Eagleridge Bluffs Protests

 So...in the interest of fairness and telling the other side of the story, I dug up a few Eagleridge Protest/Betty Krawczyk videos. You'll see some of the action at the Bluffs, and hear how the court system dealt with the protesters.
 All the workers on the project were given written and verbal instructions to not engage the protesters at any level. We were instructed to stop all operations, call the project manager and wait for an official response. This was the first time that I had seen a protest up close and personal...never mind that it was directed at what I was doing!....This resulted in my curiosity about the passions of protesters...and the photos of anti-Olympics rallies, DTES marches, and the various anti-war/anti-poverty rallies at the Art Gallery.

I had a difficult time pulling TV news footage off the web...if any of you can do it...please forward it to me


  1. Betty sued me for attempted murder when she walked behind my rock truck. She took a video on it and I also have the court documents if you're interested.

  2. Hey Dean, I was there when that happened, standing up on the hill above the parking lot. Send me an email, or give a ring to fill me in on what happened in court etc..


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