Drill Bits and Dynamite Part Eleven......More Aerial Photos of the Sea to Sky Project

Segment One, Cut 5 to Cut 4 looking south...ferry terminal lanes below
Lions Bay area before upgrades
Look on the rail tracks...blast mats laid down to protect the rails from falling rock
Large MSE wall and rail tracks below....Howe Sound below that..
Below the highway and above the tracks
Large drainage pipe...and the detour around the work
Segment One...Larsen Creek Bridge to Cut 6....West Van/Horseshoe Bay in the background

Segment Two....teaser pic...I'm going write up a separate feature on this through-cut corner

Segment One, south interchange under construction. Eagleridge area, Marine Drive also.

Cut 4, Segment One...and existing road to and from Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal
Porteau area looking south

Bridgework coming into Squamish from Vancouver

Squamish Chief climbers campground area....looking south
Getting ready to install a bridge....looking south towards Squamish

Darrell Bay

MSE wall coming up below existing highway
More below the road construction action
High overhead view of bridge going into Squamish, coming from Vancouver side
Interesting aerial perspective of a dredging operation....not related to the highway upgrade


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