More Photos From The Sterloff Property

Most of the beautiful old iron has been dragged away now. The park like setting of West Coast forest and rusty machines that were carefully tended and landscaped for years is now bare. These photos are some from my collection that have not had too much public exposure. The sexier images are elsewhere in the blog. ( the story of finding the property is back in Oct 2011 ....the links to other Sterloff property images are here..

Collapsed roof on part of the sawmill that was off to the side of the property

Sawmill in the Sterloff property

Sawmill and spit cedar shake roof

Radiator for the power plant on the sawmill deck


  1. great photos. it's amazing that so much material wealth can just be abandoned.

  2. I really like the photos, but as a photographer and editor myself I'd like to give some hopefully helpful criticism and say that your blue tones are very high and to me, take a little bit away from the great photos you capture.
    Although, keep up the great work and I still enjoy looking at all of them.

  3. Thanks for your input. I will make adjustments. Some of the images come from a set that was printed for two shows. I found that there was a market for the slightly over-amped versions...that and black and white.

    But I think that in this format, a tuning down is appropriate.


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