Drill Bits and Dynamite...Part Nineteen...More Photos of the South Interchange

A new photo disc uncovered, and new images to share. This is the Sea to Sky highway project, West Vancouver section, Segment One. As mentioned in the previous post, the South Interchange was very challenging for the planners and contractors. Many traffic lane pushes and detours were required to get the work done while simultaneously maintaining regular vehicle flows. This is where traffic will be split between Whistler resort bound, and ferry traffic to Horseshoe Bay. Our blasting crew worked on the rough prep and then worked along side the construction crews to do the up close and personal detail work. This would be controlled blasting with mat covered shots, close to footings and walls.
Cut 4 looking towards the South interchange

Nelson Creek Bridge and little known railroad tunnel below...the South interchange is to the left.

All traffic pushed over, as construction of over-pass structure gets built

Original lanes deleted...operational lanes pushed over

Footings for concrete over-pass structure

Busy area...building materials are stored in the dead lanes

You will see photos of guys working on forms shortly...it is the structure on the middle/left. This is one of the walls that will support an over-pass. The still unfinished road under this structure, will one day be an access to a new development by the British Properties people

South interchange, traffic is running on the left side...footings are being built where the traffic used to go

Big footings for big walls...check out the size of the workers

This that formwork that I mentioned before...Cut 4 is just behind and to the left

Same formwork for the over/under-pass

Working hard for the paycheck, spitting distance from the high rent district in West Vancouver


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