Photos of Derelict West Coast Logging Machines

I went on a little road trip with some new friends. The results were 750 new photos of some amazing old iron that is parked out in the "back 40".
Here is a small sample.


  1. you do a great job of capturing rust!

  2. Mike, you captured some great shots here and on your other pages. I wished I could spend a few days taking pictures of this history. But glad you shared what you photographed.

    Hank from

  3. Thanks Hank, it's one of my favourite things to do. Maybe one day it'll pay the bills.
    Until then, I'll just keep on hunting for the next great treasure.

    You have a great site...pretty much the "go to" resource

  4. It sure is a shame to see all the equipment sitting when it should be out working. Thanks for sharing so much history.

  5. would be great to see this stuff working. The old school engines would probably kill you on fuel costs..

    that and all the other fluids that would be leaking or bursting out of them

  6. Mike
    It is so good to see the old stuff. To see so much equipment that I have either Built, Operated, or Repaired is so appreciated. A BIG thanks to people like you and Hank. I believe the Kenworth in your #44 pic here was a truck that I maintained from 1990-1998, It was based out of Cleagh Creek, I drove it for the summer 1992 in Kincome Inlet, and helped build and install the dump box 1993-1994 in Port Mcneill? You are so correct about fuel costs and enviromental issues.


  7. Hi Mike I could look at your pictures all day and never see the same thing twice You have nailed a portion of our history that time is trying to erase Well Done and Thank You Steve


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