The Mud and Blood on Napoleon's Boots
All hail the Emperor of Faltering America. The Titanic hasn't struck the iceberg, but it will. It must. It always does. What has happened here...very slowly...then very that the actors on the large stage of this old turning world...have shed their costumes. They are naked. Their slavish ambitions to power and obscene wealth are laid bare for all to see...and the unwashed population thinks it's a soap opera, a video game, a Matrix sim....but no. It's as real as the the most violent and vile parts of the Old Testament have grown much much too comfortable. Fully Lazy and Partially Stupid. Gleefully blind. So drugged and stupefied, it makes morphine look like sparkling water. So... "We the People" now properly and professionally anesthetized can't possibly fight back. We have ever so slowly been pick pocketed and numbed...our moral outrage fully diluted. Ethics, morals and rule of law...are so quaint and useless. ...
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