Images of Protest

From the 2010 season.

I returned from a fantastic trip to Guaymas, Mexico and straight into the anti-Olympic protests and street carnage. The action was close to where I live, so I took my camera into the streets to record the action.

One of the most interesting aspects of packing around a high end that everyone automatically assumes that you belong there. So...I got up close and personal to both the police and the protestors.

At one point, during the G-20 protest, a masked girl asked me what I was doing taking all those pictures....and she said that I was "scaring them".

 I thought that this was interesting because I was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and a sun bleached baseball hat...standing in front of a crowd of people in masks, dressed head to toe in black.

Mostly it was a personal experiment on my part in getting interesting and edgy photos, that I would normally not consider taking.

These photos are from an altercation between Blac Bloc members and the Vancouver Police during an anti-Olympic protest/vandalism spree...and a G-20 protest ( Vancouver version, not the famous Toronto one )

I'm not claiming any political or philosophical sides here....just taking pictures of what occurred...and it was worth it to see this first hand. 

I'm guessing that these are the seeds of the local "Occupy" movement


  1. theses hots tell the whole story and would be worthy of print for any media


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