Photos of Broken, Dead or Near Dead Excavators

The rules for admission to this party's got tracks, a boom and stick, the house rotates ( or used to ) and it's dead and down...or on the way.

Log loader out to pasture

Deutz powered Poclains were some of the first big hoes around here..most got converted to Detroit Diesels...and then needed a full time mechanic...and lots of hydraulic oil

That'll polish right out

Fixer-upper project

Squamish...ex-Olympic/Elaho logging

Squamish BC....old UH Hitachi hoes

No more work days for this one

I wonder what caused this one to go out to pasture?

There's a whole road building show all ready to go

The first aid vehicles need first aid themselves

Oh Deere John

Over grown ex-heavy hitter

Must have died on the spot...luckily the operator could step out to dry land

I guess the chain keeps the cab from falling off...part of the daily inspection chained down...check

This oldie is still a runner....made the cut here because of it's age

992 road builder in the rhubarb patch

Dead Link-Belt

Another dead Link-Belt on the same property beside a steel spar log yarder

The back of the bone-yard

Spare cylinders

Maybe someone was taking pieces home everyday in their lunch box

Might as well break down at the least the view is good

Got a bit of a theme here with dead Link-Belts

High tech gear in it's day

Log loader

Home for 8 to 12 hours a day

Definite lack of daily maintenence

This old heavy-weight was someone's pride and joy ( or curse...depending on the day )

Tilt cab

No more reaching out for big wood anymore

Reach out and touch someone


  1. Some of those excavators and logging equipment looks like it was just parked and the company went under. Years and vandals account for the rust in peace.


  2. Well believe it or not...the owner of most of this gear is still working in the logging biz....lucky for me, he doesn't like to get rid of the old iron...some of the gear came from other contractors to the various bone yards

  3. Old Disheveled machines but really beautiful photos actually. Don't just send them to the waste yard hey!

  4. I see dollar signs in scrap metal... And what woulda/coulda been thousands in engines and trannys... Kind of shamefull. Nice pictures though... Brings back memories of working for M&B.

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