Scaling Bar for an Excavator

From time to time, the usual attachments and ideas don't work anymore. Scaling loose rock at the max reach and height of an excavator boom/stick is dangerous and nerve racking work. The possibility of doing damage to the machine, and having a chunk of rock come through you window are fairly high.

Here are a few pics of a successful design of a scaling bar attachment that was built for 345/450 sized machines.
The thick wall round tube design is much stronger and rigid than any size of I-beam or H-beam designs.

I have used I/H-beam scaling bars...and the first thing they do is flex like a wet spaghetti noodle. We had a 12 inch I-beam bar on a 200 Hitachi, and it bent easily with very little torque applied.

The round  model in the photos has a replaceable tube that is held in by a pin.

Here's a few things that I have learned about excavator scaling bars.
1. It's dangerous work.
b. Put your best guy on the job
c. Put you ugliest machine under him ( you will hit the machine with rocks, no ifs ands or buts )
2. Make sure that the machine is well guarded.
3. Build a berm of soft material in front of the machine to catch the scaled material
4. At high angles, the loose rock has a tendency to run right down the stick and boom...right to the shiny and expensive parts of your machine. Build a guard on your scaling bar to minimize this.
5. Scale your way into the site, make sure that the wall directly above the machine is stable.
6. If it looks like the whole hillside is going to come down, retreat and re-think. You might have to go to hand scaling and explosives. ( please use experienced professionals for this, you don't want to be on the YouTube Gong Show for the rest of your life )
7. When you go to build it heavy and build it once.

Flimsy I-beam Scaling bar

It's a good idea to build a berm in front of the tracks out of soft material to protect the machine and operator

The tougher model...approx 20 to 22 ft long

Replaceable working end held in place with a pin

Machine on the right has a round scaling bar

Long view, Cut 9 in Segment 1 of the Sea to Sky project

I-beam scaling bar


  1. Excavators are versatile machines and they can be used in a variety of ways.

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  2. Its really very interesting and very informative blog about Scaling Bar for an Excavator.I wanna share another sites link where all kinds of excavators are available in new and used condition that is Excavators for sale.So visit this and get your machinery.

  3. I may use excavator attachments for this job too. There's no other equipment that can do the job better than them. Thank you for the tips.

  4. The excavator bucket is quite useful also in other tasks. Of course, it is known to dig through muddy, clay as well as soft grounds.

  5. "An inspiring and thought-provoking blog that takes us on captivating adventures on our pale blue dot. A beautiful reminder of the wonders and mysteries that our world holds. A must-read for the curious souls and adventurers at heart!"

  6. What a beautifully crafted piece! Your exploration of the vastness of our universe through the lens of "A Pale Blue Dot" is both thought-provoking and inspiring. It reminds us of our shared responsibility to cherish and protect our home. Thank you!

  7. Great article! Your insights into their benefits for efficiency and safety are spot on. It's fascinating how these tools enhance precision and productivity on job sites. Thanks for sharing such valuable information; it’s essential for anyone involved in excavation work! Keep up the great work! Beatriz Barata

  8. This is a fantastic overview of scaling bars for excavators! It really highlights the importance of having the right tool for efficient and safe excavation. The detailed explanation of how scaling bars improve productivity and prevent damage to machinery is valuable. Great insights for anyone in construction or excavation!

  9. An excellent explanation of how a scaling bar enhances excavator performance! The detailed insights on its use in different tasks are informative and showcase its efficiency in improving productivity and precision. Truly valuable information for operators.

  10. Great article on the scaling bar for an excavator! It’s essential for precision and safety during operations. The tips on choosing the right scaling bar and its impact on efficiency are really informative. This will definitely help operators optimize their work. Thanks for sharing! THEJEMBE


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