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Frankie the Forklift Truck

Several months ago, I photographed and filmed a cool fork-lift truck in Keremeos.
Link is here...
On a recent road trip to the West Coast of Vancouver Island, I found my second "forklift pick-up truck". It was harder to find great old relics than I thought in those parts. Apparently the scrap steel guys are ruthless in the harvesting of anything left laying around.
I found this gem by cruising up and down the side roads when I got to an area that "felt right". It paid off in finding "Frankie the Forklift"
Does anybody know approximately what year that International truck is?  My dear old dad would have a field day with this....saying something like "that was the best use of an International pick-up truck...anything that gets them off the road"

Frankie the Forklift was just around the corner from this portable sawmill...I guess that Frankie was the workhorse of the operation.


  1. I want to buy this kind of fork truck. So this is very good info for me.

  2. Training is very important lesson for a man who drive vehicles. Without good training techniques on one can handle any kind of vehicles properly.With out proper driving techniques causes life time injuries.
    Forklift Training Company

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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