Denman Cinema

It's 9pm on Sept 30/2012. As I write this, the Denman Cinema is showing it's last film. The West End theater is closing it's doors permanently.
The last film is Back to the Future, Part III.
Part I and II played earlier in the day.
A few other flicks played this afternoon.

I went this today to get a few parting photos. I went to the Lebowski fest last night...for some unknown reason, I didn't bring a camera to that shindig.

Today the owner was incredibly sad, close to tears when I thanked him for the times he gave all of us in the neighborhood. In the video, they are packing up...tossing out the excess and unwanted.

I wish them well.

There has to be some sort of silver lining for people like these who try so hard to do the right thing.

The rumour is that this beautiful theater is being replaced with a DollarRama.



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