LeTourneau Diesel/Electric Log Skidder

I just found this on Vimeo. There used to be one or two of these monsters on Vic Walters property in Porpoise Bay at the old mill site. Here is a photo of my dad having a close look at one, back in the 60's. Seems to me that the LeTourneau machines were used in the early 50's around the Coast. Likely one of those times when the idea was too far ahead of it's time. It used electric motors on each wheel  and the electricity came from the front mounted diesel motor
Link to video is below ( no sound )


Here is another video of the same technology being used as a log loader

Again...same idea is now a large all purpose transporter ( I have no clue as to why the editor chose that particular music )


From the "go big or go home" files...the Tourno-train

The huge and bizarre "Tree Crusher"...looks like something that just makes a big mess for a Cat to clean up later.

I guess the Tree Crusher was built to give the "Tourno-cat" something to do


  1. About 25 years ago I took a snapshot of a Le Tourneau diesel-electric skidder that MacBlo had abandoned in the Queen Charlottes (*North Island)
    I will get it loaded onto my own website, then post the link here.

    1. http://oldstox.com/images/Skidder.jpg

      That's the snapshot I took.


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