The Spider and the Fly

by Mike Pearson

This is total bullshit said the spider to the hurts to walk, it hurts to sit, on spinning a web, it hurts to try.

Mr Spider, my wings are old and weak and do not flap, cried back the fly.

Age has us all become decrepit and weak.
I'd like to laugh, but I think I'd die.

Old friend Mr Fly, I will engage...time has passed I won't deny, but I did not bargain for pain and age.
The order for slow death I will deny.

Mr Spider you are suits one of many feet as me with many eyes...but age we must and death we greet.

Well then...You first old friend...
And Mr Spider reached over and bit the head off Mr Fly.
The many eyeballs of Mr Fly popped and crunched like so many bubble wrapped Gummy Bears.

The morning sun was up and felt good on Mr Spider's back.
It was only 9 in the morning, and Mr Spider wondered what he would do with the rest of his day.

Written while involved in Alfred DePew's writing course. West End, Vancouver 2011.


  1. Not fair spider advantage with that web thing and all those legs . What chance did the poor fly have but maybe spider did it a favour putting it out of its no wings misery. Now who is going to take spider out, a big crow? An old crow could land a heel on it.

  2. "Mr Spider you are suits one of many feet as me with many eyes...but age we must and death we greet."--a stellar line. dm gillis

  3. brilliant, a story to think about.


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