
Beetlebottom #3 Lanky Pete, Slim Jim and Warm Piss Water Beer.

Meanwhile, Lanky Pete and Slim sat on the ground below an old apple tree. Just off an old dirt side road,where nobody hardly ever drives by. Slim and Lanky pulled two beers out of the paper bag and fumbled with opening them. They toasted each other by reaching over and clinked the bottles together and then…took their first pull on the bootlegger's cheap, but pricey beers. Now recall, Lanky Pete and Slim Jim had been through a lot today, with the theft of the donation jar, the embarrassing beatdown by Monty, and the bold illegal purchase of alcohol. All this leading up to the reward of sitting under an old fruit tree, on a Wednesday afternoon, facing towards the warm sun.  The beer was warm. At first gulp, the beer mixed with dried blood from lips and loose teeth as it fell to the back of their throats. The taste was, hops, sugary sweet, some kind of citrus peel and arm pit sweat. Slim Jim and Lanky Pete didn't have much experience with beer, but somehow knew this wasn't go...

Beetlebottom #2 Always Right Rose and Paula Pissypants vs Sheriff Fussfutter

Always Right Rose and her sister Paula Pissypants were full members of the lifetime in Beetlebottom club. Always Right Rose was getting up on “ that” age. Married twice, divorced twice. She was kinda engaged to an out of town man for a spell. Carl, was his name. Good enough, well intentioned guy I suppose. Carl tried to end the relationship for whatever reason about five years ago. Apparently that didn't go over well with Always Right Rose. Carl has never been seen …anywhere since that Saturday afternoon. The Beetlebottom gossip generated down at the HazBean Cafe, murmured about a wood splitting axe and a midnight dropoff at the backside of the town dump. Others suggested that Carl just saw the writing on the proverbial wall, and drove out of town for distant points unknown. Lili Swivelhips, owner operator of the HazBean Cafe was fairly quiet about the whole Carl mystery, mostly because she slept with him twice.  Well, truthfully, nobody slept, and one of the times was a rolling an...

The Town and People of Beetlebottom

The Town and People of Beetlebottom  [ images by ChatGPT and Mike Pearson ] Installment 1. These people and this town are unknowingly affected by small amounts of noxious gas emanating from a fissure in the earth. Where once upon a prehistoric time, hot volcanic fury poured out of a crack in Mother just a silent trickle of stupid juice ( a blend of nitrous oxide, methane, carbon monoxide, radon and the gas from partially rotted dinosaur teeth) oozed out and settled about ten feet deep in the atmosphere of a small town called Beetlebottom. It took about 10, sometimes 15 years for a resident of Beetlebottom to be fully affected by the low concentrations of mind altering emissions. But for sure, after 15 years of exposure, the DNA and brain fibers of all humans in the area were forever altered...and not for the better. The residents of Beetlebottom were completely unaware of the effects. They had no clue that the long arc of increasing stupidity and dense thinking was caus...

Drill bits and Dynamite Part Four

Believe it or don't, but when I finally finished that job for the wealthy customer, and the balance owing was a tad over 10,000 bucks, he paid without fuss or phone calls within a week. So a happy ending for that one after all.  I started to prep for the move to work on the Sea to Sky Job immediately. I had to tell customers and digging contractors that it was all over and to start calling the other guy from now on. I would say that my wife was less than impressed with me working away from home at this point. It's not far as the crow flies, but we would be separated by the Langdale/Horseshoe Bay ferry ride. Kiewit set me up with an apartment in North Vancouver, only a few minutes drive to the project. I went home on weekends and during the week sometimes if it was at all possible  A brief side tour.  How did it come to be that the monster company Peter Kiewit Sons ended up making that phone call? Well let's go back a bit. I was working on a subdivision job on Gambier I...