Drill Bits and Dynamite Part Ten...Photos of the working Machines

Segment one...769 haul truck, hired helicopter for photography, 345 Cat hoe...in between Cut 6 and Cut 7

6x6 truck on Eagleridge overpass, coming into Cut 4 with roots and stumps from another site...the wood material was later hauled away by contractors. Note the drivers use of special hand signals...the Segment One wave

Concrete pour using a company truck instead of contractor units

Davey-Kent drill installing anchors on a retaining wall

Spreading finish gravels on a large MSE wall

Rock crushing operation

The lumbering 365 Cat hoe at Doodson's Corner

Doodson's Corner ...365 hoe and Hoe-drill

365 hoe

Gravel stockpile beside the highway

PKS concrete batch plant

Breaking up old bridge beams, just South of Darrell Bay

Rented long reach on Black Mountain Trail

NO, I don't know how he got there

Drilling a trim shot on top of Cut 14

Maintenance on the Grove between Cut 5 and Larsen Creek

Above Wall 76..below Cut 9. The excavators are removing material that gets tossed down from the Cut 9 bench. The wheel loader is patching the existing highway to repair the damage done by casting material down.... directly to the road surface in closures...either at night or in brief daytime road closures

Service truck and rock crusher at Cut 11

Cut 10

South interchange Seg 1 concrete pump

Beside the highway at Cut 11, rock hammer and excavator to feed the crusher

Cut 10 and 11

Davey-Kent drill

Doodson's corner

Doodson's corner, two Ranger 800's

Bridge entering Squamish from the south side

Eagleridge parking lot...769 haul trucks and 1250 Komatsu being assembled


Komatsu 1250

Seg 1 below the Upper Levels highway

Above Cut 10 beside the old highway

Placing blast mats

In the middle of the ferry lanes, blasting for a traffic sign base

Day one of Ranger rock drill number one delivered to the Sea to Sky project....this is at Segment two, with Jim McBrides crew
Drill No.1 paddling south on the Squamish highway to go and find some rock to test drill

Setting up to drill holes for rock anchors at Segment one, below the Upper Levels Highway

Segment two hoe-drill and crew came down to help us at the beginning of Cut4
Cut 4, Segment one

Cut 4, right above the Eagleridge parking lot

Eagleridge parking lot, drills working on Cut 4

Backside of Cut 4, setting up for drilling the pre-shear holes

Drilling through the concrete footing to install 10 meter long anchor bolts. If you are an engineer, planning to build one of these walls...could you please not have drillers try to drill through 10 feet of rebar steel. Rock drills and rock drillers don't really like fighting with reinforcing steel. It tears the machine up and irritates the shit out of the drillers.Design in some plastic sleeves where ever you want the anchors. Please and thank-you

This guy is the eyeballs for the driller, who can't see whats going on when the mast is in this position.
the team...blaster and hoe operator lifting the blast mats

Drilling the pre-shear line....Cut 4

Drilling 4 inch blast holes for an 11,000 cubic meter blast in Cut 4
Drilling for rock anchors on top of Cut 10

Big machine/small machine. The guy with his back to the camera is Silas O'Brien...his story is important. He was killed by a hit and run driver with 60 driving convictions....Today ( July 5 2012 ) the driver Brent Parent is appealing his sentence and charges. Here is a short post about that. I would recommend that you Google Silas O'Brien to get the story of how he was killed...http://adventuresinmikeslife.blogspot.ca/2012/05/silas-obrian.html

The blasters getting a shot ready on a rock outcropping in one of the large fill sites
Hoe-drill at Cut 10 in the early days

Two Ranger drills on Cut 5 above the ferry ticket booths

Rock drill working up on the cut at Darrell Bay, Segment 3....across from the Woodfibre ferry terminal
Darrell Bay cut

Lonely little air-track drill plunking away at the pre-shear line....what that antique was doing there...I have no idea.

Blocky, seamy and hard rock made for some spectacular fly-rock shots...I'm glad I wasn't there, to have to fight with that stuff
Rock hammer attached to an excavator to reduce the boulders down to size

Rock drill just off the highway at the north end of Brittania

South end of the Darrell Bay cut

A beautiful day at Cut 10, Segment one

Drilling and blasting between lanes of traffic at the south interchange of Segment one

This is Seg two or three...hanging an air-track drill from a crane to drill anchor bolts

The guys on the ground are wondering who is in the helicopter, while they are doing this "unique" maneuver  

Old tank drill with a 123 hammer!! belonging to a contractor on the project

Long view, the tank drill is up on the bench, other side of highway...hoe and rock-truck below the highway....railroad tracks below them

Drill and powder truck on top of a pioneering trail

Segment one blasters getting ready to fix up some ditch-line at Cut 5

Segment two, drilling , digging and hauling

Seg two hoe-drill at bottom of a big cut

Segment one, north end of the Cut 10 area...above the retaining wall and railroad tracks

One of the big fills going in....a lift at a time....Segment one

Same fill site, Robin MacGregor ( Goldwing Helicopters )taking off

Cluster of machines beside a gravel fill/grading operation

Seg one, north end of Cut 10...maybe technically Cut 11
Long view of same area Cut 10/11...below highway and above the tracks

Cut 8...385 Cat hoe loading to a Cat 769 haul truck

Cut 8 loading out

Concrete pour Seg 2 or three...below the highway

Rock drills at Seg two
Secret test site for MSE wall construction....pretty much the construction equivalent of Area 51

Randy C...not afraid of heights...stripping overburden off of the top of Cut 8


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